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Grant Application

Individual Grant Application
Award Level

Thanks for submitting!

Include: Purpose of Application - Which section you want help with, date, place and when Grant required.

How much (£) you have or anticipate raising and how? 

Total cost of activity and amount you seek from the Grant..

Anything else you would like us to know to assist your application?  

Cheques will be sent to the DofE unit (e.g. School) and not direct to participant.  Please provide the full postal address including postcode.

Cheques need to be addressed correctly, so please check with the Unit Manager for full details so as not to delay any Grants.

If the Trustees require additional information we will need to contact the Unit Leader / Manager, so please provide their email contact details.

Grants are only available for those who have already Registered to participate in an Award

Why should we support you? - State your case with any extenuating circumstances.

All information you provide is kept secure and only shared with the Charity officials.

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