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Grant Application - Further information

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The Birmingham Duke of Edinburgh Award Association has Charity status

to raise funds and issue Grants to support participants in taking their Awards.

Where several participants from a single Unit / School are involved, the Award Manager can apply on behalf of all, providing the same information as an individual application.

Charity Officers may request to visit a Unit to verify and advise the Unit.  

Required information when requesting a Grant

Unit Name  -  School / Company / Unit  and address of meetings


Unit Leader - Name, contact email, and address


Number of participants  and at which level

For which section do you seek funding? - Expedition / Skill / Volunteering / Physical


For what are you seeking funds? -  Please provide total costs and itemise requirements


What other ways are you seeking funds?

If a Grant is made, to whom should a cheque be made payable? -

                                                                                                     This cannot be to an individual

Where sent ?   Address as above or please provide alternative.

If your group is successful in receiving funds, you will be asked for a receipt. Where no receipt is received, future applications will be declined.


It is also appreciated when a follow up report is sent  to the Trustees.


Subject to your own Safeguarding rules, if any photographs can be provided of your groups activities, either for information  for the Executive Committee, or for use in our publicity or on the website this would be very much appreciated,

as it helps us seek further funds for distribution.

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General appeals for Grants will not be considered.  However, Leaders may contact the Charity for assistance with Grants for group equipment (e.g. Expedition equipment) that will benefit both current and future participants.

Initial contact can be made via email direct.


Full details of the individual, including their Award Registration Number and contact details are required.  These are required to process the Grants and

will not be used for any other purpose. 

The Application needs to state the reason for the request, particularly cost

and dates of the proposed venture.  The Trustees also wish to see evidence

of individual effort in raising funds.  

Cheques are sent to the Operating Unit / School, so details of how to write the cheque together with address and postcode  are essential.

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Any information that you provide as to the reasons for your Application

will be considered, and kept confidentially.  Information and extenuating circumstances from Award Managers in support of applications are

welcomed via  direct email.

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  • Please be aware that following Grant Application submission you may have to wait several weeks for it to be processed. Please do not leave it to the last minute!

  • The Charity Executive Committee has the final say as to limits Awarded to each level of Award.

  • There is a restriction to one application in any twelve month period.

  • All questions on the Grant Request form must be completed. A partially completed form will be declined.

  • Successful Grant Applications must be acknowledged by Award leaders or participant on receipt of cheque.  Failure to do so may prevent future applications being considered.

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